„Musashi” (宮本武蔵) by Eiji Yoshikawa (吉川 英治)


Yoshikawa is the most versatile historical novelist. His novels are outstanding, he describes an unforgettable adventure and above all – a great epic story. The “ Musashi’ novel consists of seven books, each of them is dynamic and grapping. Page by page the reader finds out and understands the mysteries of feudal, orient, archaic yet wonderful and powerful Japan.


Book #1EARTH

It begins with a battle, a group of samurais realized that they represent a small group of those who survived. They do not remember much of the battle itself, they understand they must have passed out while it was going on, however they see the treacherous consequences of it. The Samurais are weak and wounded, full of fear and uncertainty, they are looking for help, luckily they find one. A  young woman – Oko gave them shelter in a woodshed. For her it is also very dangerous, but, she gave them a chance. Cures them, gives food and medical supplies for next time … Oko knows the enemies are just right behind, there was time to rest, to heal wounds, but know, they all have to leave, words of promises are left behind … like a foliage on the ground, yet, much more solid, firm like steel. Our protagonist Musashi is captured by the army of the enemy, luckily he is released.


The uneasy time still goes on and on, Oko runs a teahouse and a brothel, she despite her intellect and wisdom is married to a man who ones, perhaps, felt a devotion toward her, now what is left, is vain. Vanity. Oko is responsible for it …  she doesn’t want him to work as a laborer. He is lazy, he wishes he hadn’t made that mistake and married someone else. He wants to rob Oko and run away with goods. His plans are disturbed by appearance of Musashi who challenges him. The goods and money runs out like water itself. The greed finds its final end.


Musachi used to be a famous warrior, who challenged and defeated opponents. His soul is pure, his aim is clear, he is good, yet, his life is not filled with happiness and success. He doesn’t feel he is gifted, chosen. He blames Oko for it. All the blame for his misfortune and misery he put on her. The blame lies with her. Now he sees how weak he is, how miserable he became, he cannot lift a watermelon he wants to eat, he feels he is nobody, on one important, not any longer. He has to find a young warrior he is certain to have seen briefly -  Sasaki Kojiro. Musashi overhears lots of tales and stories which were told mouth to mouth. Changed its meanings and sense. Musashi doesn’t give up, he wants to be a swordsman again, he is looking for an opportunity and a master he could work for or with.


The fight of two sword masters is a fight between good and evil, between traditional Japanese virtues written in an Old Bushido Code. Something that cannot be changed, reversed. Musashi fights with Seijuro, he defeats him, seriously hurts, Seijuro’s arm is almost chopped off his body, he begs for mercy, he begs for his arm being cut off completely, so does happens. The duel has got a meaning, it is a check of endurance, loyalty, dignity, intellect and reason. Musashi has to prove he is skillful and cunning … another test comes far too soon…


Musashi encounters various fights, one of them would have a fatal outcome, he would have been killed by a lance. After recovering he wants revenge, he wants to undertake it again and kill Gonnosuke. After rematch Masashi succeeded.


Kojiro contemplates, he was searching for a perfect solution to live his life. He understood he doesn’t want to be a samurai, after so many combats he gave up. It doesn’t make sense to kill for a master, to be a swordsman. Home, his house it is what he wants, it gives him a sense of security, a sense to belong to someone.


Musashi is a lone traveller, destined to fight his destiny on his own, he will teach the rules of the martial arts. Put his faith in Buddha.

This short and very brief summary gives an insight on the life of an excellent ronin and swordsman, he was undefeated and won more than 60 duels. He created and established two sword techniques niten'ichi (二天一, "two heavens as one") or nitōichi (二刀一, "two swords as one"). His techniques were mastered throughout centuries, he himself contemplated a lot, resorted to Buddha. His techniques and styles were based on Bushido – its more delicate, artistic nature.
