The Heat

Was overwhelming over Amsterdam. It is going to be back soon. In the meantime for the past couple of weeks everyone cools itself as much as possible, whenever it's possible. You may swim in the North Sea - but it is for the really brave ones, the water is a couple of degrees cooler than the air, it is a risk of getting a thermal shock, someone with a fragile health condition may end up with a cardiac assert or a stroke! Drink liters of water constantly, unfortunately, You will not have an opportunity to cool Yourself  at an open swimming pools - scarcely You find some in Amsterdam. Mostly because Holland is exposed to the sea, has got lots of canals, lakes, rivers. The lakes and the rivers are the places where You can swim and enjoy the summer's heat!
The tips I follow every summer: I drink a lot of water, do not sunbath at noon, wear light clothes, at any circumstances do I cool myself in the canals or the city fountains - some tourists do, I hope they do not catch any skin infection, or what's even worse genitourinary infections - which are painful and heal badly (it takes weeks) or months sometimes to recover! The heat I describe is going to return, it will be brought from Latvia, Poland and Ukraine!
Well, the summer bloomed - so be it!
Come what may, I have always got a couple of bottles of mineral water with me, just in case. I simply enjoy the summer.
