A Bar & A Single Lady ...

© 2013 InterContinental Amstel Amsterdam.
I am ... 
In a bar or rather an A Bar I met wonderful people with whom I still keep in touch, I like them very much. My colleagues, my friends, my ex-bosses, all kind of people. The A Bar is.... nice!

When I first entered it, it was just an ordinary bar nearby a hotel brassiere. People were entering and leaving all the time, the bar didn't care, I guess, it was never ever empty, always full, teeming with life, gossips, rumors, constantly on an agenda. Years passed by, the bar lived its life, bartenders and barmen changed, drinks and cocktails changed, wine glasses and all kind of glasses changed, it was all replaced by something more modern,  catching the eye ... except the room.

I don't know when someone, somewhere, somehow  inspired by somebody having something in mind said "We are going to change a bar, we are going to make something with its unique spirit. It will be a real kick"
So the old bar was about to face a tremendous change!

Being in the bar five months later, my reaction was "Wow! What a place" - I thought entering it, shocked. It became light, full of light, bright, more spacious, more blue, and definitively more cheerful to the eye, and the atmosphere - You could breathe freshness, not just because it was renovated but because it is different - it's its own. 

I remember, Hamid and I, we were talking in front of it - it was 3am in the morning, none of us wanted to go home, after work, too tired to move, we looked at the stars, the bar was closed, everything was empty, streets, avenues, lanes ... Amsterdam early in the morning inhales quietness, laziness. So was We. It was September - My birthday day. I was thinking and I think ... 

...I associate the A Bar with a talk, a conversation with friends, with being there with an open book or a notebook on a table, sipping a cup of coffee, tea, a glass of wine or a glass of cocktail ... laugh, have so incredible good fun, forget about daily problems just for a moment. Indulge ourselves :) Yes to indulge ourselves, sink deep into the abyss of laziness and a total relaxation. 
